Join us for Colin Stetson at Bimhuis

We are delighted to present internationally acclaimed saxophonist Colin Stetson for the first time at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam tonight. He will join one of the most amazing avantgarde bands of the past 40 years, the Alexander Von Schlippenbach Trio, with Evan Parker (saxophone), Paul Lovens (drums) and Alexander Von Schlippenbach (piano). This is a synthesis of breathtaking music of past and future.

We would like to invite you to join us at this monumental concert in our favourite jazz club this side of Sirius. If you send us an e-mail you will only pay 14 euros instead of 20. We look forward to seeing you tonight.


Here is an old post I wrote on witnessing Evan Parker playing with Squarepusher in 2007 that might help you in your decision to travel to see tonight’s show.

By Juha — Posted December 1, 2011 — 5,301 Comments

This Tuesday, a rare performance of a Feldman masterpiece

“Feldman is essential listening.” Pitchfork

This Tuesday at Felix Meritis, the Ives Ensemble will play their second concert of the series News From the Front, an eight-part collaboration between the Ives, Van Swieten Society and Asko Kamerkoor. The music played is Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello, the final piece of eminent American composer Morton Feldman.

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By Juha — Posted November 14, 2011 — 5,463 Comments

De Verdieping starts 2010 with Machinefabriek

Machinefabriek live at Aura in Castrum Peregrini (photo: Jelle Spanjaard)

On a Thursday night in September in 2006, multi-instrumentalist Rutger Zuydervelt performed under his moniker Machinefabriek on the 700th birthday at the Oude Kerk, the oldest building of Amsterdam that is located in the heart of the Red Light District. It was a night I organised when I was still working at the n8 foundation, the collaborative museum platform that works for the Amsterdam museums. This was the beginning of an ongoing love affair with one of the Netherlands’ most productive and imaginative young composers and musicians. Since this concert we have worked together numerous times at the Bimhuis, Lantaren/Venster, Castrum Peregrini, and once even in my appartment in Amsterdam, together with Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard. Machinefabriek, a natural improviser who never performs the same work twice, and has an Olympic amount of releases and bootlegs swerving around. Even when I write, Michiel is listening to his music (and while you are peeking at his account, have a look where Machinefabriek stands in my top artists list).

So it should not come as a surprise when we announce that the first artist we have asked to perform in 2010 is our dear friend Machinefabriek. We will celebrate the opening of the new year in De Verdieping with a special performance on Wednesday 6 January at 8 pm. We will also celebrate the proud fact that we have been granted a generous 2-year financial support from the Amsterdam Art Fund to upgrade the organisation and become a more professional cultural institution. The support enables us to notch up our activities and broaden our reach. We are delighted about this and look forward to inviting you to more adventurous programmes on the Wibautstraat in 2010.

We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday and toasting on the new decade. In the mean time, follow De Verdieping on Facebook and Twitter. Drive and shoot straight on New Year’s Eve.

By Juha — Posted December 30, 2009 — 2,923 Comments