Non-fiction drinks: a weekly mom ‘n pop-up shop

It is almost 4 o’clock on Friday, which means in two hours our weekly pre-weekend bar opens. Last week we discovered the possibilities of outside projections, so let’s see what happens this week.

Anyone up for a drink, new Viral Radio music and a non-standard viewing of a torrented newspaper documentary is welcome.

We look forward to seeing you.

By Juha — Posted November 18, 2011 — 9,268 Comments

Non-fiction drinks for a better reality

According to a recent referendum it is Friday. This means new Non-fiction drinks at 6 to increase the crisis-fighting firepower of the cultural sector.

“What should I bring?” you ask? Easy: something personal you would like to share with other people. Last week Lorenzo de Rita brought his books from The Soon Institute, and the week before Adéla introduced Becherovka.

We look forward to seeing you tonight at Gabriël Metsustraat 8 at 6.

By Juha — Posted November 4, 2011 — 11,177 Comments