Opening up the Rijksakademie: bloggers wanted
For a while now I’ve been involved with the Rijksakademie voor beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam, an artists’ institute for national and international top talent. The name Rijksakademie (1870) refers to the classical Akademia, a place where philosophers, academics and artists meet to test and exchange ideas and knowledge. These days the Rijksakademie offers a residency to more than 50 artists from all over the world.
The Rijksakademie wants to offer the artists a place where they can develop and experiment in the best conditions possible. Usually, the Rijksakademie is closed to the public. Except the last weekend in November: during the weekend of RijksakademieOPEN, thousands of visitors are welcomed to the studios where artists present new work. This year we take the idea of opening up a bit further, not only by opening the studios, but also by showing more things that happen behind the scenes and give more context.
Please have a look at From 23 until 27 november, this blog will develop into a live blog, with the latest updates, interviews, video reports and images. A team of bloggers will get their own space in the Rijksakademie, and I’m looking forward to capture what’s going on in the weekend. Non-fiction partner in crime Adéla will also be there – writing and doing guided tours. But for the blog I’m still looking for a photographer / video reporter, who’s…
- handy with short video’s, online media and can work fast and flexible;
- interested in (contemporary) art;
- likes to be part of a young team.
You’ll be needed for around 3 days, and there’s a (small) voluntary fee available. Also drinks & lunches are taken care of, and we’ll make sure it’s a unique and fun experience.
Drop me a line if you’re interested. Thank you!
PS: If you’re more interested in writing about art, check out the RijksakademieOPEN writing workshop by art critic Rob Perree. Deadline for applying is November 10.