Introducing an intern: Kirsten Weijs

Kirsten Weijs (1987) is originally from Belgium. She would describe herself as an urbanist painter and creative entrepreneur who studied Graphical Design at Sint Lucas in Gent and Arts & Culture at University Maastricht. After her bachelor she worked as assistant curator at several art galleries in Vienna like Galerie Nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder and Elisabeth Michitsch. She also studied exhibition marketing and culture management at the University of Vienna.

From networking with gallerists to documenting the city by foot, she always strives to keep her finger on the pulse of a city´s creative beat. In 2011 she started her Master´s degree at Maastricht University in the field of Arts & Heritage, where she specialized in the area of urban development; the tension between art and architecture and cultural industries.

The coming months Kirsten will devote much of her time to the Netherlands Architecture Institute, where we are currently organizing the summer programme, and for which Kirsten moved to Rotterdam. After her first week in the city, we asked her some questions.

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By Michiel — Posted May 20, 2012 — 5,168 Comments

Introducing an intern: Siri Driessen

Siri Driessen studied Cultural Analysis and History at the University of Amsterdam, and Fine Arts at ArtEZ Arnhem. She focused on photography, nineteenth-century cultural history, and new media. She presented essays about mapping, new media and network culture at the New School University and the Medialab Prado in Madrid. Furthermore, she worked for the Prince Claus Fund, where she edited a three-monthly publication that aimed to connect the archive of the fund to the present.

Siri was interviewed by Adéla who received a very similar set of questions a year ago when she started her Non-fiction career. Using the same questions for every new intern can provide an interesting pallet of opinions on Non-fiction and our practices and help us  to understand what we really do.

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By René Boer — Posted February 13, 2012 — 12,037 Comments

A conversation with Raphael Vanoli

Raphael Vanoli at the Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ (photo by Maarten Jüngen

Tonight the trio Fennesz/Dafeldecker/Brandlmayr will make their debut performance at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam. The three usual suspects from the Viennese improv scene have collaborated before on a project with David Sylvian. Christian Fennesz has made name for himself, with solo albums that are exemplary for contemporary electronic music.

This incredible trio will be supported by experimental guitarist Raphael Vanoli of the internationally renowned experimental rock duo Knalpot. Here is a brief introduction to one of the most imaginative composers of his generation.

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By Juha — Posted December 21, 2011 — 6,574 Comments